Our annual Community Changemakers fundraising event raised a whopping $100,000 going towards our clinical services program for the Snohomish community. The fundraiser surpasses its initial $75,000 goal earmarked for 2023.
Over eighty Changemakers enjoyed an evening of live music, glass art, dessert dash, Canlis raffle, and silent and live auctions at the Schack Art Center on November 4, 2023.
Unique Silent Auction Finds – Local Businesses Highlighted!

Silent auction winners got to bid on unique items and experiences such as Doodlebug Paintball Passes, Everett Aquasox tickets, Everett Silvertips tickets, Village Theatre tickets, Moltenworks glasswork Sip n’ Fuse classes, and Bumbershoot 2024 Weekend passes. Local businesses Brooklyn Brothers and Diedrich Espresso also participated by donating gift cards to the silent auction.

Going one, going twice: Exclusive experiences and Fund-a-Need all SOLD!
The highlight of the night was the live auction, hosted by nationally recognized auctioneer Jay Fiske, The live auction featured a variety of exclusive experiences, ranging from Woodinville Wine tastings to roundtrip tickets for two on any Alaska Airlines route. The highest bid was for the Mariners Diamond Club Seat Tickets for 4 people, bringing in $2,750. This was sold twice bringing in a total of $5,500!

The live auction was particularly moving, with an overwhelming show of support during the Fund-a-Need segment. Attendees seized the opportunity to bid on backing a range of crucial clinical and employment services. These included homeless outreach interventions, peer support group sessions, and other essential supports. The generosity exhibited during this portion of the auction truly exemplified the community change makers’ commitment to making a positive impact.
Thank You to Our Volunteers and Sponsors
The evening would not have been possible without the tireless effort of volunteers and the generosity of our sponsors.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our invaluable sponsors, whose unwavering support made our event a resounding success. A sincere thank you goes to 1st Security Bank, DACO, Coastal Community Bank, Turning Point Strategic Advisors, and BizX, and Parker, Smith, and Feek, whose support played a pivotal role in bringing our vision to life. Your belief in our mission and commitment to community engagement have left an indelible mark, and we are truly grateful
We look forward to another year of working within our communities and addressing the pressing needs of those with a mental health concern.
To learn more about our clinical services programs, click HERE.
To support Bridgways in providing clinical services for those with mental health concerns, click HERE.